Our programs are the boots on the ground that enable the Navy League
to affect change for our members, our sea services and their families.

Recognition Programs
We recognize the achievements of enlisted members of the sea services.

Sea Cadets
Federally chartered non-profit civilian youth training program for young people ages 11-17 and their families. Sponsored by Navy League, we train for the sea services and support the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.

Scholarships Program
Provides scholarships to dependent children of active duty, retired or deceased Navy or Marine Corps personnel resident in California.

Operation Welcome Home
Provides families of returning personnel “Welcome Home” signs that create memories of a joyous reunion.
Serve those who serve by joining the Navy League today!
Serve those who serve by joining the Navy League today!
The award-winning Blue & Gold is published monthly. It features hot news, highlights event speakers, covers legislation and much more.
The Navy League depends on passionate individuals like you to support
those currently serving and advocate for the sea services.