The San Diego Council of the United States Navy League is very active in its recognition and support of sea service personnel. Recognition and support are achieved through the following events and activities:

  • Monthly breakfasts that honor active personnel

  • The Navy Birthday Ball, Marine Corps Birthday Luncheon, and more.

  • Formal recognition of outstanding Marines, Sailors and Coast Guardsmen of the Quarter/Year at the various local bases

2025 February Breakfast Event – USCG MSRT West


Council held its first Breakfast Event of the year on Feb 7, 2025 with the Commanding Officer, Maritime Security Response Team West; CAPT Robert J. Berry serving as guest speaker. During this event his Coasties where recognized for their outstanding performance as; 2024 Enlisted Person of the Year, Enlisted Person of the Quarter (4th Qtr) and for sustained superior performance.  Additional recognition was given to Board of Director; CAPT Dave Grundies, USN(Ret) and Webmaster; Diana Alvarez who received Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of California House of Representatives District 51; Juan Vargas and Navy League Member; Laura Chigos being awarded the Sea Services Appreciation for her strong support of the Council.   Special recognition of the 2024 Navy Leaguer of the Year Award was presented to Webmaster and Photographer; Diana Alvarez.  Special Thank You to First Command for their generous donation of $4,000.00 and Mr. Thomas J. Hayden donation of $200 in support of our Council.  Welcome back to our Board of Directors returning sworn in oath of service for 2025.   Well done across the board.

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Awards Recognition at MCAS Miramar, Feb 5, 2025

Awards Recognition at MCAS Miramar, Feb 5, 2025.
Council Board of Directors; Jay Rindler & Charles Clarke visited MCAS Miramar to present the 3rd Marine Air Wing & Marine Corps Air Station Miramar Marine & Sailor of the (4th Qtr CY24) Quarter and of the Year Awards on February 5, 2025.  Well done to – HHS; Cpl Franklin Paredes, LCpl Josh Coronaco, LSSR Kaori Rhone, Cpl Brice Dinning, Cpl Kainalu Texeira, and LSSN Yasheka Lewis.  MACG38; Sgt Jesus Oscar Santini, HM2 Kalon Moore, HM1 Kyle Kelly, and HM2 Victor Camarillo.  MAG11; Cpl Brandon Cates, and Sgt Matthew Willford.  MAG39;  Cpl Ella Slater, HM1 Douglas Franco-Deleon, Cpl Davis Yallen, and HM3 Joshua Meehan.  MAG16; Cpl Gavin Platt.  MWHS-3; RP3 Jacob Hethcock.
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2024 December Breakfast Event – Toys for Tots Drive & End of the Year Appreciation

2024 December Breakfast Event

San Diego Council held its 3rd Annual Toys for Tots Drive with Commanding Officer, Naval Base Coronado; CAPT Ladislao “Monty” Montero as guest speaker. CAPT Montero provided insight on his command’s role in today’s modern era with 65 guests in attendance. During this event, Naval Base Coronado 2024 Sailor of the Quarter (4th Qtr) Award Winners were recognized; ACAA Patrick Kamm, MA2 Chade Parisi, MA2 Rogin Patricio and MA1 John Juhul and u.S. Marines attached to; 4th Medical Battalion, Sgt Brianna Vale and Cpl Lavell Kenney, Marine Aviation Squadron 39; LCpl Kaidyn Vigil and Cpl Nicholas Luengo and 3rd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion; Cpl Juan Cedanomarte, Cpl Saul Lozano, Sgt Kate Huertas, Sgt Jonathan Sanchez in leading the collection of over 170 toys for under previleged children in the community.

The Office of Congress Representative Juan Vargas 52nd District of California Military & filed Representatives; Edgar Gonzalez presented Certificate of Appreciations to the Council Volunteers for their contribution to the community. The Council President, presented its End of the Year Awards to Sponsors for their 2024 support, and the Achievement Excellence Award Winner to CDR Scott Mason, USN, CHC for his outstanding volunteer service as the Council’s Chaplain from 2022 to 2024 and the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel in winning its “Back to Back to Back” Community Affiliate of the Year Award for their outstanding support throughout the year and hosting the National Navy League Conference and the largest Navy League Birthday Ball on the west coast.
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Awards Recognition at MCAS Miramar, Nov 13, 2024

Awards recognition at MCAS Miramar Nov 13, 2024
Sea Services Committee Member & Board of Director; Charles Clarke visited MCAS Miramar to present the 3rd Marine Air Wing & Marine Corps Air Station Miramar Marine & Sailor of the Quarter awards (3rd Qtr – CY24) on November 13, 2024. Well done to; Sgt Javier Acosta, Lcpl Samuel Franklin, LSSA Zion Jones and Sgt Cory Baird, Lcpl Davis Yalen, HM1 Kyle Kelly, Victor Camarillo and HM3 Joshua Meehan.
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2024 November Breakfast Event – U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Celebration

November Breakfast Group picture
San Diego Council celebrated the Marine Corps’ 249th Birthday at its November Breakfast Event with Recruit Training Regiment, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion; SgtMaj Amina Saracay serving as guest speaker. SgtMaj Saracay participated in the cake cutting ceremony with 3d Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion; Lcpl Cesar Leo-Fuentes with 70 guests in attendance.  During this special event, Recruiter, Drill Instructor and Marine of the Quarter (4th Qtr) Award Winners were recognized for their outstanding service.
Congratulations; 12thMCD; SSgt Terrianna Hardy, SSgt Christian Deocampo, 3rdLAAD; Lcpl Davis Yalen and Lcpl Cesar Leo-Fuentes and MALS39; Sgt Alyjah Bogar, and special recognition to USS SOMERSET (LPD 25); CS1 Ruth Santana in volunteering to present the birthday cake.
The Council also recognized its Community Partners for their contributions in supporting the Sea Services in the community; PADRES Charity Fundraiser Silver Sponsor; Pastrana Group Business Owner; Carlos Pastrana and Platinum Sponsor; Parker Aerospace Mgr, Tradeshows & Comms Director; Elizabeth Butterfield and November’s Breakfast Event Sponsor; Lockheed Martin Govt. Affairs & Senior Mgr Aviation Programs; CAPT Al Worthy, USN(Ret).   Council President presented $2, 250.00 donation to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar; MSgt Mark Stone III, Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 39; Sgt Zachary Kavanaugh and 3rd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion; Sgt Jerry Lopez in support of their 2024 Marine Corps Birthday Ball.
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2024 October Breakfast Event – U.S. Navy Birthday Celebration

Navy League San Diego October Breakfast (1)
San Diego Council celebrated the Navy’s 249th Birthday at its October Breakfast Event with the Commanding Officer, USS FITZGERALD (DDG 62); CDR Jayson Larsen serving as guest speaker. During this celebration, the Council was honored to have Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor; CDR Jim Bedinger, USN(Ret), CDR Larsen and Command Master Chief Ron Aleman participate in the cake cutting ceremony.  FITZGERALD Sailor of the Quarter (3rd Qtr) Award Winners where recognized for outstanding service.  Congratulations; STGSN Lucas Cannon, BM2 Emmanual Henry, PS2 Michelle Doyle and RS1 Carolyn Jones and Culinary Specialist; CS1 Rodolph Rocabela in presentation of the cake to 70 guests in attendance.  Additionally, Helicopter Sea Combat Wing Pacific OMBUDSMAN; Valerie Cuartas was recognized for her outstanding service.
Special Thank you to our Community Partners that support our mission in supporting our Sea Services in the community; PADRES Fundraiser Supporters – Thank you to Pastrana Group Business Owner; Carlos Pastrana for his generous donation of $2,500.00 as a Silver Sponsor and General Atomics (Electromagnetics) Representative; Darryl Acosta’s generous donation of $18,000 as a Platinum Sponsor!  AND, USS FITZGERALD Ship Adoption Supporters – Thank you to FITZGERALD Plank-Owners and Alumni’s in their donation of $10,220.00 in support of Navy League’s – USS FITZGERALD Ship’s Reunion and Award Recognition Program. The total FITZ donations were derived from; LC Embroidery Owner; Rolan Patzi ($1,125.00), Steinfeld Family ($1k), Your New Gate Company Owner; Jasen Thacker ($1K), El Cid Brewery Owner ; Eric Bridges ($600) and FITZ Alumni’s donation of $6,495.00.  Well done across the board!
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September 2024 – OMBUDSMAN Appreciation Event

Group Picture - September 2024 – OMBUDSMAN Appreciation Event (1)2024 OMBUDSMAN Sponsors (4)
San Diego Council held its 3rd annual OMBUDSMAN Appreciation with its largest Breakfast Event of the Year hosting 132 guests in attendance in recognizing its Maritime Forces service members and military spouses who volunteer and serve as OMBUDSMAN in the Navy and Coast Guard and Family Readiness Assistants in the Marine Corps on Sept 6th.  During this event, Naval Base San Diego Commanding Officer; CAPT Robert Heely served as guest speaker where he provided insight on the latest events with his base in supporting the “Fleet, Fighter and Family”.  To include a tribute towards OMBUDSMAN and its community partners that support the base.  CAPT Heely was presented an autograph book by Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor Jim Bedinger in serving as guest speaker.  Well done to our Maritime Forces; Coast Guard for Sustained Superior Performance – MK1 Kenneth Freeman, Navy Sailor of the Quarter (3rd Qtr) Award Winners – LSSN Kivona Raingefloyd, MA2 Cecilia Valentina and CS1(SW) Stephanie Reid.  Marine Corps – 12th Marine Corps District Recruiting Station Moreno Valley and Oceanside and Recruit Training Regiment for Sustained Superior Performance – Sgt Luke Johnson, Sgt Ulises Gomez-Carrillo, SSgt Klayton Inmon and GySgt Joshua Hall.  Awards sponsored by LC Embroidery.   Special thank you to ALL our Community Partners that supported our opportunity drawing with their in-kind donations.
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2024 August Breakfast Event – Coast Guard Birthday Celebration

2024 August Breakfast Event
San Diego Council celebrated the Coast Guard’s 234th Birthday with Coast Guard Sector San Diego Commanding Officer, CAPT James Spitler serving as guest speaker in providing insight on the Coast Guard’s role in today’s modern era. During this special event the Council held a Birthday Cake Cutting Ceremony with CAPT Spitler, Command and Master Chief Michael Dioquino. CAPT Spitler was presented with a Certificate by President, Tracy Owens and Vietnam POW Survivor, CDR Jim Bedinger, USN(Ret). Well done to U.S. Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Quarter (2nd Qtr) -Station San Diego, MK3 James Beatty, Sector San Diego, SK2 Cade Coughran and Coast Guard Cutter Sea Otter, BM1 Joshua Shannon and Sector San Diego DC2 Cauy Ross for sustained superior performance. Special recognition was presented to USS CHAFFE (DDG 91), CS2 Andrew Weaver, CS2 Michelle London and CS1 Simeon King for the birthday cake presentation. Awards sponsored by First Command. Additionally, President Tracy Owens presented Certificate of Appreciations to Navy League Members; Greg Via, Nick Wallace, Nick Rivera, and Sheldon Margolis for their strong support in volunteering to manage and operate this year’s 2024 Sea Service Golf Tournament. Job well done! Special thank you to First Command; Jason Surya for their generous donation of $1,500.00 in support of 2024 Gold Tournament and August Breakfast Event and General Atomics (Electromagnetic); Derryl Acoasta and Melanie Anderson’s generous donation of $18,000.00 in support of the PADRES Sponsorship Game on September 16, 2024.
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2024 July Breakfast Event – 3rd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion

Group-2024 July Breakfast Event – 3rd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion (16)
In the spirit of our independence, the San Diego Council recognized its Maritime Forces service members for their outstanding service at July’s Breakfast Event.  Congratulations to the U.S. Coast Guard’s – Sector San Diego; YN3 Olga Quinero and YN3 Recinos. The Navy’s – USS CHAFEE (DDG90); SR Nigeria Carraway, YN3 Giancarlo Bruschetta, IT2 Michael Hartley and IT1 Joseph Sousa.  The Marine Corps – 3rd Low Altitude Air Defense Marine Award Winners; NCO of the Qtr – Cpl Carolyn Harrison, and for Sustained Superior Performance – Cpl Adam Cross, Lcpl Nayelli Cruz and Cpl Juan-Carlos Cedano-Marte.  Awards where sponsored by RCP Block & Brick, San Diego Sockers and USAA.  During the Breakfast Event, Commanding Officer, 3dLAAD; LtCol Ramon Gonzalez served as guest speaker, where he provided awareness on his command responsibilities and the role it plays in today’s modern era. Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor Jim Bedinger presented LtCol Gonzalez his autograph book in appreciation as our guest speaker.
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2024 June Breakfast Event – Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 3 “Merlins”

June Breakfast ALL Group Pic
San Diego Council recognized Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 3 “Merlins” Sailor of the Quarter Award Winners at June’s Breakfast Event. Congratulations to  LS3 Awa Fall, AM2(AW) Catherine Hooper and AWS1(NAC/AW) Luke Anderson.   Awards where sponsored by Navy Federal Credit Union; Bryan Geluz & Marjorie Berarra.  During the Breakfast Event, Commanding Officer, HSC3; CAPT Thomas “Smokey” Butts served as guest speaker, where he provided awareness on his command responsibilities and the role it plays in today’s modern era. Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor Jim Bedinger presented CAPT Butts his autograph book in appreciation as our guest speaker.   Congratulations to Cherise Magtoto and Enzo Pilcher in being selected as the 2024/2025 Alexander Kreiglowa Scholarship Award Winners.  Cherise and Enzo were 2 of 3 selected amongst 19 competitive applications. Both will receive up to $15k towards their college education. Well done to our Scholarship Selection Board Chairman; Jeff Wylie, CO-Chair; Jasmine Heide and the Selection Board Committee;  Jay Rindler, Ira Heide, Christina Kane, Billy Kane, Nick Wallace, Abigail Woods, Miguel Neavez, Raymond Yau and Marty Magana for volunteering in selecting this year’s winners.  Special Thank you to First Command’s Jason Surya for hosting our board
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2024 May Breakfast Event – Sea Service Member of the Year Awards

San Diego Council held its 4th Annual Sea Service Member of the Year Awards in hosting 90 guests in attendance that included; Naval Education & Training, Force Development, Deputy Commander; Rear Admiral Robert C. Nowakowski, Commander, Third Fleet Command Master Chief Trenton Schmidt and Retired Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Russ Smith.  Guest Speaker; RADM Nowkowski provided insight on Navy’s Warfighting Strategy, Culture of Excellence 2.0, Get Real Get Better, Navy Leadership Development Framework 3.0 and  Recruting/Retention initiatives.  He was presented an appreciation certificate by Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor; CDR Jim Bedinger, USN(Ret) and President Tracy Owens.  Tracy presented the Community Partnership Appreciation Award to Navy Veteran and Business Owner of LC Embroidery & Cleaners; Rolan & Virginia Patzi for their strong support of the council’s sea service programs.  An additional thank you to LC Embroidery generous donation of $5k in support of the council’s awards recognition and breakfast sponsor.    Congratulations to our 2024 Sea Service Member of the Year Award Winners; Junior Sea Service Member (E4 Category); AO3(AW/SW) Modesty Perez – USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN 71), Sea Service Member (E5 Category); HM2(FMF) Amir Horton – USS LAKE ERIE (CG 70) and Senior Sea Service Member (E6 Category); AE1(AW/SW) Vinh Nguyen – Commander, Fleet Logistics Multi-Mission Wing.  Well done to all finalist nominees; JrSSMoY; PR3 Darrion Jackson – HSC3, MM3 Bryan Rodriguez-Lopez – USS LAKE ERIE (CG 70) and LCpl Dylan Studt – 3D LAAD.  SSMoY; HM2 Ronnie Delacruz – MAG16, HM2 Daniel Morales-Garcia – HMLA 369, AO2 Gisele Quintero – USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN 71), Sgt Maaliyah Bagnerise – 3D LAAD and AZ2 Madison Wade – HSC3.  SrSSMoY; LS1 Brittnee Brinkley – USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN 71), AE1 Marianne De Silva – HSM 73, HM1 Raevin Estacio – MACG 38, AO1 Noel Etcheto – VFA 154, IT1 Joshua Lamp – USS LAKE ERIE (CG 70), AWS1 Justin Pickering – HSC3, GSM1 Ninoshka Santana-Ilarraza – USS CHAFFE (DDG 90) and OS1 Amber Huther – USS CARL VINSON (CVN 70).

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2024 April Breakfast Event – USS SAN DIEGO

San Diego Council recognized USS SAN DIEGO (LPD 22) Sailor of the Year (FY23) and Sailor of the Quarter (2nd Qtr) Award Winners.  Congratulations to BSOQ – SN Cyril Baldwin, SOQ – EN2 Arcelann Calado and JSOY – QM2 Neshaun Gill,  SSOY – MM1 Robby Cruz.  Additional special awards recognition was presented to SAN DIEGO Culinary Specialists; CSSN Maycol Sanchez-Castro and CS2 Victor Ralph-Vizcarra for their outstanding presentation of the CPO Birthday Cake.  Awards where sponsored by First Command. During the Breakfast Event, Commanding Officer, USS SAN DIEGO; CAPT David Walton served as guest speaker, where he provided awareness on his command responsibilities and the role it plays in today’s modern era.    President Tracy Owens presented First Command Community Appreciation Partnership Award for their strong support of the council’s sea service programs and $1,200.00 donation.

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2024 March Breakfast Event – Recruit Training Regiment 3rd Battalion

Navy League March Breakfast Events (16)
San Diego Council recognized Marines attached to Recruit Training Regiment, 12th Marine Corps District and 3rd Low Altitude Air Defense (3d LAAD) for outstanding service. Congratulations to the Drill Instructor of the Quarter Awards Winners; 3rd Battalion – SSgt Ivan Zamora, Sgt Jose Salcedo and 2nd Battalion – SSgt Daniel Moredocepero, Sgt Troy Dimirjian Jr. and Recruiters for Sustained Performance; Imperial Beach – Sgt Dennis Mania and Oceanside – Sgt Mariah Devoursney and 3d LAAD for Meritorious Service Promotion to Sergeant; Sgt Devin Dozier.  Awards where sponsored by the San Diego Sockers; Jonathan Greene.  During this Breakfast Event, Commanding Officer, 3rd Battalion, Recruit Training Regiment; LtCol M. Matthew Phelps served as guest speaker, where he provided awareness on his command responsibilities and the role it plays in today’s modern era.  Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor Jim Bedinger presented LtCol Phelps his autograph book in appreciation as our guest speaker.  A special thank you and recognition was presented to Ed Naranjo for his dedication to service and leadership as President during these past two years. Congratulations to Tracy Owens in being appointed as the new President for the San Diego Council, and thank you to Navy League Region President Kevin Button and his wife; Beth in joining us.
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2024 February Breakfast Event – USCG MSRT West

2024 February Breakfast Event - USCG MSRT West
San Diego Council recognized the U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Security Response Team West 2023 Enlisted Person of the Year; ME2 Sawyer Mundorf and Enlisted Person of the Quarter (1st Qtr FY23) & Enlisted Person of the Year Runner up; IS2 Kamron Sumner. Awards where sponsored and presented by the Armed Service YMCA San Diego; Mr. Frank Martin.  During this Breakfast Event MSRT West Commanding Officer; CAPT Robert Berry served as guest speaker, where he provided awareness on his command responsibilities and the role it plays in today’s modern era.  Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor Jim Bedinger presented CAPT Berry his autograph book in appreciation as our guest speaker.  Vice President Tracy Owens presented the San Diego ASYMCA Community Partnership Appreciation Award for their strong support of the council’s sea service programs, and recognized Navy Federal Credit Union; Bryan Geluz, San Diego Wave, Else Lamonde, Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel; Nicole Boone and the Council’s Sea Service Committee Chairman; Marty Magana for volunteer service and support.  Special Thank You to ASYMCA for their $1,500.00 donation.
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December 2023 – Toys for Tots Drive & End of the Year Appreciation Event

Group Picture NavyLeagueSanDiegoChapter-Breakfast-02
San Diego Council held its 2nd Annual Toys for Tots Drive with Naval Service Training Command, Great Lakes, IL – Director of Commander Action Group; Mr. Scott Mowery serving as guest speaker.  Scott provided insight on his command’s role in today’s modern era with 95 guests in attendance.  During this event, Board of Director; Jeff Wylie presented a $2k check on behalf of Beverly J. Gepfer & Kirk R. Martens Foundation to President; Ed Naranjo and VP; Tracy Owens in support of the sea services.
The Council recognized the 2023 Sailor of the Year & Quarter (4th Qtr) Award Winners!  USS TRIPOLI (LHA 7) – BSOQ; AOAN Yadira Garcia, JSOQ;ABF2 Jesus Lozano, BSOY; AN Camille Campos,  SOY; EM2 Justin Diniro, and SSOY; ABH1 Paul Salame.  Awards sponsored by USAA; David Dearie.  Navy Talent Acquisition Group Southwest – SOY; PS2 Mei Zhang and SSOY; EM1Tyler Porter, Southwest Regional Maintenance Center San Diego – BSOY; MRFN Ethan Lambert, Naval Base San Diego – BSOY; MA3 Mayra Solis, SOY; MA1 Samantha Collura and LS1 Rowena Beckett.  Awards sponsored by LC Embroidery; Rolan Patzi.  Commander, THIRD Fleet – BSOY; IS3 Stephen Speidel, JSOY; CS1 John Bona and SSOY; OS1 DeEll Henderson.  Awards sponsored by Navy Federal Credit Union; Bryan Geluz.
This event included the 2nd Annual Toys for Tots Drive led by; U.S. Marine Corps 3rd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion; Corporal Bailer Parr and Council Member; Charles Clark in volunteering to coordinate the collection of 220 toys for under privilege children in the community.  The County of San Diego Supervisor Joel Anderson  Community Outreach Director; Morgan Gunning presented Certificate of Appreciations to the Sponsors and Volunteers for their contribution to the community; ASYMCA; Allison Garner and Jamie Inarda, Imagine Design & Graphics; Elie Bernhardt, Impressions San Diego; Nicholas Witzler, NFCU; Bryan Geluz, San Diego Sockers; Jonathan Greene, Midway Museum; Jay Rindler, Hyatt Regency La Jolla; Gregory Seepersad, Manchester Grand Hyatt San DIego; Rick Mitrovich, Manuela Steuerwald, and Monica Boldt, San Diego Wave; Elyse Lamonde and Abigail Vazquez, ARCO (ARDM5); BM2 Deonna Wiggins and USS Michael Monsoor (DDG1001); BM1 Gilkey, Council Members; Sheldon Margolis, and Jim Bedinger.
End of the Year Awards were presented to the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel in winning its back to back Community Affiliate of the Year Award for its outstanding support with our major events throughout the year and Board of Director; Jeff Wylie winning the Navy Leaguer Award for his outstanding volunteer service with the Sea Service, Youth Programs and Scholarship committees. Including, the presentation awards to former President and Lifetime Member; Jim Bedinger in receiving the Achievement Excellence Award for his outstanding service to the sea services and their families in the community and its Volunteers as Board of Director, Chairs and Council Members .  A job well done!
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November 2023 – Marine Corps Birthday Celebration

November 2023 – Marine Corps Birthday Celebration
San Diego Council celebrated the Marine Corps 248th Birthday with Commanding Officer, 12th Marine Corps District; Colonel Michael Ogden serving as guest speaker.  Col Ogden provided insight on his command’s role in today’s modern era and participated in the cake cutting ceremony with 3d Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion; Lcpl Jaden Ibarra with 85 guests in attendance.  During this event our San Diego Council President; Ed Naranjo and VP; Tracy Owens presented $2k check donation to 3rd Marine Air Wing, 12th Marine Corps District, Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 11 and 3rd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion in support of their 2023 Marine Corps Birthday Ball dinner receptions.
Special thank you to the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel, Director of Event Management; Rick Mitrovich in sponsoring the November’s breakfast awards recognition, Recruit Training Regiment, MCRD; Captain Aaron Carlton serving as Chaplain, Parker Aerospace Regional Manager; John Miles in presenting $10,250.00 donation and General Atomics (Electromagnetics), Head of Weapons Program; Mike Rucker in presenting $18,000.00 donation to the San Diego Council in support of meeting its mission to its Sea Services in the local community.
Well done to the following 4th Quarter – FY2023 Award Winners being recognized; 12th Marine Corps District Recruiters of the Quarter; SSgt Labrittany Norfleet, GySgt Stephanie Torres and Sgt Malon Johnson.  Recruit Training Regiment, MCRD Drill Instructors of the Quarter; Sgt Ivan Altamirano, Sgt Danieltroy Maguddayao, Sgt Christopher Blossom and SSgt Melissa Duran.  Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 11 Marine and Non-Commissioned Officer of the Quarter; Lcpl Myles Evans, Sgt Valentina Acevedo and Cpl Devin Dozier.  Additional recognitions were presented to USS ESSEX (LHD 2) Culinary Specialists; CS2(SW/AW) Samuel Babativagallo and CSSN Marlow Dimdiman in support with the Marine Corps Birthday Cake.
San Diego Council’s wins the National Navy League 2022 Outstanding Council Award for its support of its sea service. Including, the coveted Donald M. Mackie Awards for Excellence; Gold for Social Media, Gold for Website and Silver for Newsletter.  The National Awards were presented on behalf of Council’s Chairmen; Sea Services – Marty Magana, Youth Programs – Shane Steinfeld, and Homecoming – Jay Rindler to Council President and VP.  Additional congratulations goes to Tracy Owens in being recognized by the San Diego Business Journal as one of the top 50 Veteran Business Leaders in the community and as a finalist for the Pioneer of the Year in the San Diego Magazine.
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Awards Recognition at MCAS Miramar, Nov 1, 2023

3rd MAW & MCAS Miramar SOQ MOQ Awards Nov 1 2023
Homecoming & Field Operations Chairman; Jay Rindler visited MCAS Miramar to present the 3rd Marine Air Wing & Marine Corps Air Station Miramar Marine & Sailor of the Quarter awards on November 1, 2023.  Well done to; Cpl Shane Laurent, Lcpl Alexandria Grant, LS1 Na Zhao, LS2 Andrea Molina, LSSN Emerald Quiroz, Lcpl Philip Weiss, HM1 Jeremiah Taylor, HM2 Ronnie Dela Cruz and HN Angelina McClain.
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October 2023 – Navy Birthday Celebration

Awards Recognition Navy League San Diego
San Diego Council celebrated the Navy’s 248th Birthday with Commander, Naval Air Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet, N433 Air Systems Officer; CDR Kyle Caldwell serving as guest speaker.  During this special event the Council was honored to have Vietnam Veterans and Prisoners of War Survivors; CAPT Jack Ensch, USN(Ret) and CDR Jim Bedinger, USN(Ret) join us as special guests and participate in the cake cutting ceremony with 115 guests in attendance.  Special thank you to USS ESSEX (LHD2) CS2 Samuel Babativagallo and COMNAVAIRFOR CS3 Tom Bori in volunteering to present the cake.
Thank You to North Island Credit Union Military Representatives Dino Santo in donating $7,250.00 and Raytheon Technologies Representative Mike Fabel in donating $8k to the San Diego Council in support of meeting its mission to its Sea Services in the local community.  Raytheon Technologies also received the Council’s Community Appreciation in support with the most recent IFWG Social Reception and October’s Award Recognition and Breakfast Sponsorship.
Well done to Sailor, Marine and Instructor of the Quarter Award Winners – Naval Air Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet 3rd Qtr; SOQ Award Winners; CTT2 Joshua Auditor and HM1 Joanna Rakes.  The Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit (CNATTU) North Island SOY and MOQ Award Winners; AM2 Liza Maldonadoirizi, AS1 Mary Macaraig and SSgt Reginald Santifer.  CNATTU  Instructor of the Year Award Winners; Sgt John Edwards, AM1 Leshea Daniels and AEC Matt Eley.   Awards were sponsored by Raytheon Technologies. All Service Members received tickets to participate in its opportunity drawing to win door prizes sponsored by; San Diego Wave, ID&G, San Diego Sockers, TRIADA Tactical, Navy Federal Credit Union, Midway Museum, Impressions San Diego and the San Diego Gulls that had a total value of $1k in door prizes.
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September 2023 – OMBUDSMAN Appreciation Event

September 2023 – OMBUDSMAN Appreciation Event
San Diego Council held its 2nd annual OMBUDSMAN Appreciation that hosted its largest breakfast event of the year with 150 guests in attendance, where it recognized our Maritime Forces service members and military spouses who volunteer and serve as OMBUDSMAN in the Navy and Coast Guard and Family Support Advisors with the Marine Corps on Sept 8th.  During this event Naval Information Forces Technical Director for Information Warfare Readiness; CAPT Nichol M. Schine served as guest speaker in providing insight on her experiences and Naval Information role in today’s modern era and was presented an autograph book by Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor Jim Bedinger. Additionally, CAPT Schine donated $2k on behalf of the San Diego Mustang Association for the upcoming Navy Birthday  Ball.
Well done to our Maritime Forces; U.S. Coast Guard – Coast Guard Cutter Petrel & Sector San Diego; MK3 Travis Kosner, GM3 Guillermo Morales and MST2 Kathrine Hayes for outstanding service, awards sponsored by Manchester Grand Hyatt.  U.S. Marine Corps – 12th Marine Corps District Recruiter of the Quarter (3rd Qtr); SSgt Kevin Duffy and GySgt Kendall Ripp, and MCRD Drill Instructor of the Quarter (4th Qtr); Sgt Israel Gomez and Senior Drill Instructor of the Quarter (4th Qtr) SSgt Will Standley, awards sponsored by USAA.  U.S. Navy – Sailor of the Quarter Award Winners; Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 85 – BSOQ(3rd); LS3 Thomas Boe, JSOQ(2nd) AD2(AW) Kaitlin Setting, JSOQ(3rd) AO2(AW) Elizabeth Schiller, SOQ(3rd) AT1(AW) Juliana Moore, awards sponsored by Strategic Data Systems.  Tactical Air Control Squadron 2 – BSOQ(2nd) AC2 Kristina Jolie, BSOQ(3rd) AC3 Samuel Acosta, JSOQ(1st) YN2 Ash Calipes and SSOQ(3rd) AC1(AW/SW) Isaiah King, awards sponsored by LC Embroidery.  All awardees received gift bags sponsored by; Navy Federal Credit Union, USAA, San Diego Sockers, San Diego Wave and San Diego Zoo.
Special thank you to our 2023 OMBUDSMAN Appreciation Event Sponsors!  Where they provided complimentary breakfast, roses and tickets to win 50 door prizes from numerous sponsors during its opportunity drawing that had a total value of $10k in door prizes.

August 2023 – Coast Guard Birthday Celebration

San Diego Council celebrated the Coast Guard’s 233rd Birthday with Coast Guard Sector San Diego Commanding Officer; CAPT James Spitler serving as guest speaker in providing insight on the Coast Guard’s role in today’s modern era.  During this special event the Council was honored to have U.S. House of Representative Florida District 1, Congressman Matt Gaetz and his wife Ginger join us as special guests.    Congressman Gaetz participated in the Cake Cutting Ceremony with Command Master Chiefs; Greg Via and Michael Dioquino, and was presented an autograph book by Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor Jim Bedinger.
Well done to U.S. Coast Guard – Small Boat Station; FN Robert Morgan; Air Station San Diego; AT3 Francesca Choy and AT2 Jamison Bartlett; Sector San Diego; MST2 Chris Park; and USCG Cutter Sea Otter; BM1 Joshua Shannon for outstanding service.  Special thank you to USS SAN DIEGO (LPD 22) CS2(SW) Lawrence Byrd and CSCS(SW) Shamika Nichols for the birthday cake presentation and awards sponsor; First Command  and San Diego Sockers Rep; Jonathan Greene in providing gift bags to all awardees.
Special thank you to our 2023 Golf Tournament Sponsors & Volunteers; Fairway Independent Mortgage Company – Chris Catania, Farmers Insurance; Dana Johnson, First Command; Nick Wallace, San Diego Sockers; Jonathan Greene, Manchester Grand Hyatt; Rick Mitrovich and Nicole Boone and Dana Whitney for their strong support.

Awards Recognition at MCAS Miramar

MCAS Miramar Awards Ceremony Aug 2nd
Homecoming & Field Operations Chairman; Jay Rindler presented the 3rd Marine Air Wing & Marine Corps Station Miramar Marine & Sailor of the Quarter awards at MCAS Miramar on 4 August 2023.  Well done to; Cpl Mark Romero, Lcpl Anthony Garcia, LSSN Dakota Cotton, Lcpl Logan Raufer; Sgt Jordin Berwick; Lcpl Curtis McElhaney; HM1 Famela Libut, HM2 David Johnsen and HN Logan Pate.

2023 July Breakfast Event – Spirit of Independence!

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In the spirit of the July 4th Independence, the San Diego Council celebrated its July Breakfast Event with having Commander, Naval Surface Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet Assistant Chief of Staff (N7) CAPT Brian Ribota as guest speaker, where he provided insight on his command’s role and how it serves in the fleet and readiness in today’s modern era.  He was presented an autograph book of “Patriot, Prisoner, Survivor: An American Family At War” by Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor Jim Bedinger and Ed Naranjo.
Congratulations and thank you to the following awardees and sponsors;  USCG – Sustained Superior Performance; EM2 Riku Cotter, Small Boat Station San Diego and ME1 Skyelr Baird, Maritime Security Response Team West  Awards Sponsored by USAA.
USMC – 12th Marine Corps District Sustained Superior Performance; GySgt Darryl J. Armstrong and Recruiter of the Quarter (3rd Qtr); Sgt Kimberly Vaszquez.  Awards Sponsored by RCP Block & Brick.  USMC – Recruit Training Regiment, MCRD Drill Instructor of the Quarter (3rd Qtr) Award Winners – DIoQ; Sgt David A. Thomas and SSDIoQ; SSgt Essozlim Amana.
Awards Sponsored by Manchester Grand Hyatt. 
USN – USS Mobile Bay (CG53) Sailor of the Quarter (2nd Qtr) Award Winners – BSOQ; DC3 Emmanuel Quintinilla, JSOQ; GSM3(SW) Brandon Lawrence, SOQ; BM2(SW/AW/IW) Ashley Zappier, SSOQ; NC1(SW/AW) Michael Fisher.  Awards Sponsored by Raytheon Technologies.  USN – USS Boxer (LHD 4) Sailor of the Quarter (2nd Qtr) Award Winners – BSOQ; CS3(SW/AW) Juanita McCurdy-Davis, JSOQ; RPSN Madison E. Harmon, SOQ; MR2(SW.AW) Katherine G. Chumbiray and SSOQ; HM1(SW/AW) Christina L. Ahman.
Awards Sponsored by LC Embroidery. 
Special thank you to RCP Block & Brick donation of $1,250 and the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel donation of $1,500 donation in support of our awards recognition and upcoming 2023 Golf Tournament.
During this breakfast event the San Diego Council presented its 2023/2024 Alexander Kreiglowa Scholarship recipients; John Rader and Tom Tailor ceremonial checks.  Both are two of three selected amongst 9 competitive applications and will receive up to $15k towards their college education. Well done to our Scholarship Selection Board Committee; Suzie Johnson, Austin Krivanec, Gregory Seepersad, Ira Heide, Jay Rindler, Jeff Wylie, Mireyda Trueba, Marty Magana, Rosa Wilson, and Derek Barksdale for volunteering in selecting this year’s winners.

2023 June Breakfast Event

2023 June Breakfast Event 1
San Diego Council recognized USCG Tactical Law Enforcement Team (TACLET) Pacific Enlisted Person of the Quarter; ME1 Cody McLendon for his outstanding service and professional excellence.   Breakfast Event sponsorship and Award presented by USAA; David Dearie, CMDCM, USN(Ret).
During this Breakfast Event USCG TLET Pacific Commanding Officer, CDR Christjan Gaudio provided insight on his command’s role and how it serves in the fleet and readiness in today’s modern era.  He was presented an autograph book of “Patriot, Prisoner, Survivor: An American Family At War” by Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor Jim Bedinger and Ed Naranjo.
The Community Partnership Appreciation Award was presented to David Dearie for USAA’s strong support of the council’s sea service programs. An additional thank you for their generous donation of $1,500 in support of the council’s breakfast event recognitions for Coast Guard, Marine Corps and ship sponsorship of USS TRIPOLI (LHA 7). Including, support with the upcoming September’s OMBUDSMAN Appreciation.
Congratulations to Hannah Sanchez as the 2023/2024 Alexander Kreiglowa Scholarship recipient. Hannah is one of three selected amongst 9 competitive applications. She will receive up to $15k towards her college education. Well done to our Scholarship Selection Board Committee; Suzie Johnson, Austin Krivanec, Gregory Seepersad, Ira Heide, Jay Rindler, Jeff Wylie, Mireyda Trueba, Marty Magana, Rosa Wilson, and Derek Barksdale for volunteering in selecting this year’s winners.

2023 May Breakfast Event – Sea Service Member of the Year Awards

May Breakfast Event
Congratulations to our 2023 Sea Service Member of the Year Award Winners; Junior Sea Service Member; LS3 Deon Aristide – USS COWPENS (CG 63), Sea Service Member; HM2 Briana Sandoval – Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 16 and Senior Sea Service Member; HM1 Blaine Jackson – Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit FIVE.
Special thank you to our Sea Service Committee Chairman; Marty Magana and his Award Selection Board Committee; Tracy Owens, Shay Fortson, Rosa Wilson, Kevin Rogers, Matt Ruane and Charles Clark. Including, our sponsorship with Lockheed Martin for the awards certificates and breakfast and USAA for the gift bags.  Congratulations to all our nominees;
JrSSMoY; and Lcpl William Nuemann-Russel (MAG 16) and SW3 Kerry Estevez (CBMU303),  EM3 Dylan Gibson (USS MICHAEL MONSOOR), HM3 Jeffrey Sturgeon (NEPMU5), STG3 Lorena Sacco (USS OKANE), and YN3 Miguel Duenas (VFA2).
SSMoY; HM2 Michael Harris (MAG39), IT2 Omar Atra (USS MICHAEL MONSOOR), QM2 Justin Kroeper (USS STOCKDALE), HM2 Shannon Moore (USS OKANE), HM2 Rebecca Mann (NEPMU5), PR2 Kayla Pena (VFA2), MT2 Daniel Loupe (USCG STA SDGO), MST2 Kathrine Hayes (USCG SEC SDGO), ME2 Antonio Colon-Santiago (TACLETPAC), and AMT2 Robert Hentkowski (USCG AIRSTA SDGO).
SrSSMoY; SSgt Doris Amin (12MCD), SSgt Jake Hutchins (HMH466), SSgt Celestial Bermudes-Ortega (MAG16), HM1 Kasandra Park (MAG39), SCW1 Ken Buckner (CBMU303), EM1 Gharnel Garcia (USS OKANE), HM1 Christina Keithley (USS STOCKDALE), EN1 David Koberling (MICHAEL MONSOOR), EM1 Christopher Medev (USS CHARLESTON), AO1 Johnathan Stoneham (USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT) and AM1 Lamont RameyII (VFA2).
Guest Speaker; Colonel Thomas M. Bedell provided insight on Marine Corps Air Station Miramar’s role on how it serves the fleet and readiness, and supporting the community in today’s modern era.  He was presented an autograph book of “Korea Reborn” by former Council President and Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor; CDR Jim Bedinger, USN(Ret) and President Ed Naranjo.
President Ed Naranjo presented the Community Partnership Appreciation Award to David Steindl for Lockheed Martin’s strong support of the council’s sea service programs.  An additional thank you to Lockheed Martin generous donation of $2,700 in support of the council’s breakfast event and the Sea Service Member of the Year and TYCOM SOY awards.  Additionally, Nicola Johnson was recognized for her outstanding service in volunteering as the Navy League Foundation Treasurer.

2023 April Breakfast Event

Bfast Event Apr 2023 (FITZ Group pic)
San Diego Council recognized USS FITZGERALD (DDG 62) Sailor of the Quarter & Sailor of the Year Award Winners;  BSOQ (1st Qtr FY23); FN Harrison Platt, JSOQ (4th Qtr FY22); LS2(SW) Markala Thomas, JSOQ (1st Qtr FY23); GSM3(SW) Nathaniel Alvarez-Rodarte, SOQ (4th Qtr FY22); FC1(SW) Stephen Zou, JSOY FY22; LS2(SW) Rhose Swanigan and SOY FY22; IT1(SW) Kayla Minnick.  Awardees received certificates, ball caps coins, and $50 gift cards. Awards presented and sponsored by LC Embroidery & USS FITZGERALD Alumni Committee.  Award Winners also received “gift swag bags” sponsored and presented by the San Diego Sockers Community Manager, Mr. Jonathan Greene .  Additional recognition was given to USS FITZGERALD Culinary Specialists; CS2 Marina Rankins and CS1(SW) Rodolph Rocabela for their outstanding presentation of the Chief Petty Officer’s Birthday Cake. BZ to all.  Special thank you to Navy League Imperial Valley President Ted Galenit, former NLSD President Phyllis Barber, FITZ Plankowner STG3 James Meeks and FITZ Alumni HTCS William Ray in support of sponsoring additional breakfast tables for FITZ Sailors.  Bravo Zulu to all award winners and sponsors.
Guest Speaker; CDR David Catterall provided insight on his command’s recent role it served while deployed to the 5th & 7th Fleets area of responsibility and how its support National Tasking in today’s modern era.  He was presented an autograph book; “Patriot, Prisoner, Survivor: An American Family At War” by former Council President and Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor; CDR Jim Bedinger, USN(Ret).   Audience included numerous Plankowners and Alumni’s who have served aboard USS FITZGERALD. Including, former Commanding Officers; CAPT Garrett Miller, USN and VADM Charlie Martoglio, USN(Ret).  Hooyah “Fighting FITZ”!
Vice President Tracy Owens presented the Community Partnership Appreciation Award to Mr. Rolan Patzi, Owner of LCE Embroidery & Cleaners for his strong support of the council’s sea service programs.  Special Thank You to First Command’s Principal & District Advisor of Southern California; Mr. Jason Surya and his TEAM for their generous donation of $3,500 in support of the Council’s sea service and awards recognition programs.  Additionally, our Sea Service Chairman, Marty Magana presented a $4,000 check on behalf of Boeing’s donation towards support of the 2022 Type Commander Sailor of the Year Awards. Their generous donation was accepted to support the Council in meeting its mission.

2023 March Breakfast Event

2023 March Breakfast Event
San Diego Council recognized CBMU303 Junior Sailor of the Year, EA3(SCW/EXW) Daysy Cruzcordero and SW1(SCW/EXW) Siamiac Moghaddam award winners for their professional excellence.  Awards were sponsored and presented by RCP Block & Brick Owner; Ms. Kathy Olsen. Vietnam Prisoner of War Survivor; CDR Jim Bedinger, USN(Ret) presented; CBMU303 CO LCDR Corinne Sims his autograph book; “Patriot, Prisoner, Survivor: An American Family at War” for serving as March’s guest speaker.  During this Breakfast Event, President Ed Naranjo presented the Community Partnership Appreciation Award to Ms. Kathy Olsen, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer of RCP Block & Brick for their strong support of the council’s sea service programs. Including, presenting a $2,000 check donation on behalf of the San Diego Council to Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps San Diego for ROTC Graduation Dining-In to; Midshipman; Samuel Griffin and Henry Widdop. Special Thank you to Veteran Business Owner and Family of LC Embroidery; Rolan, Virginia, Rolan Jr. Dylan and Freddy Patzi who was on hand to present their generous donation of $5,000 in support of the Council meeting its mission and sea service programs.  President Ed Naranjo recognized volunteers for their outstanding support, in presenting certificate of appreciations to Navy League Members; Judi Adams and Javier Garcia.  Including the announcement of the Council’s newest Board of Director; Mireyda Trueba.
The San Diego Council established its “Council to Council SOQ Collaboration” with Navy League Philadelphia.  The Philadelphia Council Sponsored Ship; USS SOMERSET (LPD 25) Sailor of the Quarter Award Winners in attendance was SN Damari Jones, HM3 John Loeffler, IT2 Logan Steffen, and MR1 Jason Deguia.  Command Leadership in attendance was SOMERSET CO, CAPT Christopher Brown; XO, CDR Jeff Kelso; CMC, CMDCM Allan Antonio; CHAPS, LT Gary Monroe, and Awards LCPO, ITC Lisa Gallegos.  During this event the award winners and leadership were exclusively recognized on behalf of NLPA and honored by NLSD for attending.  It was the first of its council collaboration kind, and many more to come.  A big win, win, win for SOMERSET SOQ award winners, NLPA and NLSD.  Additionally in attendance, CBMU303 awards winners and CO was; XO, LT Bret Anstett, CMC; CBCM Paul Fennell, DIVO; LT Matt McGill, LCPO; CUCS Terry King and SUBSQD11; Junior Sailor of the Quarter, LSS2(SS) Deundhray Steel; Senior Sailor of the Quarter, MMA1(SS) John Migone and MMNCS Ian MacDonald whose breakfast was sponsored by former President Phyllis Barber.

2023 February Breakfast Event

San Diego Council recognized USCG SEA OTTER 2022 Enlisted Person of the Year; MK3 Daniel Dellinder, Coast Guard San Diego Station; BM2 Dylan Edwards,  Coast Guard Navigation Team San Diego BM2 Nicholas Pollara and USCG Coast Guard Prevention Branch; MST1 Sean Jette for professional excellence. Awards sponsored and presented by the San Diego Sockers Community Engagement, Communications & Creative Services Manager; Mr. Jonatan Greene.
During this Breakfast Event USCG SEA OTTER Officer In Charge; Master Chief Boatswain’s Mate Jay Galazin provided awareness on his command responsibilities and the role it plays with Search & Rescue, Illegal Immigration and Environmental Protection while saving lives at sea.  Vietnam Prisoner of War Hero Jim Bedinger present Master Chief Galazin his autograph book; “Patriot, Prisoner, Survivor: An American Family At War” for serving as Guest Speaker.
President Ed Naranjo and VP Tracy Owens presented the San Diego Sockers Mr. Jonatan Greene the Community Partnership Appreciation Award for their strong support of the council’s sea service programs.
Council’s Newly Elected Officers and Board of Directors and Chairs sworn in and appointed for 2023; President; Ed Naranjo, Vice President; Tracy Owens, Secretary; Gregory Seepersad and Chief Financial Officer; Sheldon Margolis, Communications Chairwoman; Austin Krivanec, Sea Services; Marty Magana, Youth Programs; Shane Steinfeld, Homecoming & Field Ops; Jay Rindler, and Membership; Sheri Arnold.
President Ed Naranjo recognized the Council’s Volunteers who serve as Board of Directors, Members and Sponsors for their outstanding support.  Certificate of Appreciations was presented to Membership Chair; Sheri Arnold, Breakfast Event Assist. Manager; ENS Jennifer Givens, USNR, Scholarship Chair; Suzie Johnson and Community Partner; Military Mutual Real Estate Services Business Owner; Derek Barksdale.  Special Thank You to Beverly J. Gepfer & Kirk R. Martens Foundation in donating $2k in support the Council’s Sea Services Programs.  Additionally, $1k donation was presented by VP Tracy Owens on behalf of Council Members who requested to remain anonymous in support of the council meeting its mission.

December – Toys for Tots Drive & End of the Year Appreciation Event

Special Thank you to Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel Rick Mitrovich in
sponsoring December’s Breakfast for Destroyer Squadron ONE Sailor of the
Quarter Award Winners and the 12th Marine Corps District and Marine
Aviation Logistics Squadron 11 in support or our council’s first Toys
for Tots Drive.

Guest Speaker Commodore, Desrtoyer Squadron ONE; CAPT Tom Chekouras, who
was presented autograph book; “Patriot, Prisoner, Survivor: An American
Family At War” by Jim Bedinger. During this special event the San Diego
Council recognized its Sponsors and Volunteers for their outstanding
support throughout the 2022 Year. Including, presenting over 120 toys
to the Marines in support of Toys for Tots and presented numerous door
prizes for those that participated in this special event.

Congratulations to our Homecoming & Field Operations Chairman winning
the 2022 Navy Leaguer of the Year Award and Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel
San Diego winning the Community Affiliate of the Year Award.