Chief Alexander Kreiglowa, U.S.Navy

Navy and Marine Corps Dependents Education Foundation Scholarship Program
This Scholarship is good for up to $15k/year for tuition, books, and academic fees for a maximum of 4 years.*
Dependent child of active duty, retired, or deceased Naval Service (USN or USMC) resident in the state of California
Graduating High School Senior in the top 10% of class (if school ranks) or have a 3.6 cumulative GPA or higher (unweighted grades)
Evidence of acceptance for Fall (Immediately following High School Graduation) by an accredited 4-year college or university in the United States
At least 2 Letters of Recommendation
Demonstrated Financial Need
Alexander Kreiglowa was born in Norwich, CT. He had one brother, who was in the Navy, and five sisters; all who have passed on. He joined the Navy at the age of 16. Alex served in the Navy over 20 years and retired as an E-7, Chief Petty Officer, in 1957. This was the highest enlisted rank in the Navy at that time. He served on 10 different ships and spent nearly 17 years at sea. Alex trained young recruits at the Naval Training Center for over 3 years. Alex said this assignment required long hours, but he found the work very satisfying.
Alex touched the lives of many young men then, and is continuing that legacy through his Scholarship Program. When this gracious, humble man was asked about his service to the Navy and his desire for this Scholarship Foundation, he said, “I always worked hard to get ahead and now I want to give something back to the Navy and my country. The Navy was very good to me and I think this is one way I can give back. I want this scholarship money to go to students who have a strong desire to get ahead and accomplish things.”
Sadly, Alex passed away on March 21, 2018 at the age of 100, but his generosity will live on for a very long time. This amazing man’s generous gift will continue to touch the lives of young men and women and exemplify the goals of the Navy League.
All candidates must complete an application. If the candidate has had unusual or extraordinary financial hardship in the family, due to loss of job, income, or additional expenses, then they may also complete a Special Circumstances Form to be submitted with the Application Package. This form does not apply for mortgages.
*Scholarhsip does not cover the costs of room and board.
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